Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final Images

Here are my final images, I might rearrange the order, although this was the order in which I created them.


  1. Your final concentration photos are taken very well. I really like how you did dyptic to all of them. My favorite one is the eyes, it shows very clearly the change or age in which there taken. I think that all you could change is the order of them.

  2. Your pictures are all really beautiful. The theme works really well with all of the pictures. The only thing I would say is that the one with mount hood doesn't show the theme as well as your others, but it is still really well taken and beautiful.

  3. Your concentration is really good. Your colors are really vivid and clear. You are really good with making the color in your pictures stand out. I would maybe try a different lighting with the first image or just fiddle with the contrast just to see the changes.

  4. All of your pictures are very clear and interesting. All of your photos are beautiful and work well with your concentration theme. I really like how each diptic has a different subject matter and they all still fit together in the end.

  5. Good job, nice color, mood, and clarity. You have a good eye for lighting and abstraction. They all fit together with your theme and like Hallie maybe play around with the contrast for the first image.

  6. These are all so good! I would bump up the contrast on the right rose in the last on though, or tweak with the color on the edge of the petals!

  7. I really love how graphic some of your images are. I can picture seeing them for design or something. You have a great sense of color and placement. My only suggestion would be to maybe play around with the mailbox diptych. It seems a little strange to me for some reason. Maybe if you had them switch places so that they converged in the middle border? Just an idea, which you probably shouldn't listen to honestly! Great work :)

  8. These are fantastic! The colors are super vibrant! The only suggestion i have is to maybe fix the angle of the eyes in that 3-photo dyptic so that they can aline better.

  9. Your colors are amazing! Everything is so bright and clear! They all work very well together as a concentration. Don't change anything!

  10. Your pictuers are so great, They are all so clear its awsome. I think that mabey in the one with the water, mabey you could change the one with rocks one the bottom? or mabey some other way? Im just saying cuz it took me a moment to see that it was two diffrent pictuers. But either way its great :)

  11. molly, i really love your attention to color in your images and your comparisons are awesome! everything seems to work and flow together wonderfully!

  12. all of your pictures have really good color! and i loooove the tree picture! you did a great job.

  13. these pictures are really good! and your deptics work very well together. Overall you did a good job connecting your pictures to your theme.

  14. Wow. Your pictures are amazing Molly. All of these are so clear and very rich in color. All of the pictures are so bright, they pop, and totally grab my attention. Your comparisons are amazing and the variety is amazing too. I wouldn't change anything; I'm in love with your work!
